These past few days I have just been amazed at what a smile and a positive attitude can do. Starting my new job has been hard, I just seem to have several negative thoughts and feelings towards most of my co-workers due to their horrible attitudes. I was challenged by a bible study group that witnessing to those around us is not always accomplished my throwing lofty words and phrases at them. The seed can simply be planted with a smile, a simply and cheerful, "Good Morning! " These past two days at work have been great! the Lord has been reminding of the real reason I have been at this job, and has been sneaking in little blessings here and there.
Tonight there were some severe tornado warnings by our house. After our family in Arkansas were part of a severe tornado a few years back, we take tornado warnings very seriously. So off we headed to the safest place of house, which really isnt that safe since we live in a one level ranch. Cramped up together on the floor my family lay, mom, dad, me, athisi and max and lola. Meanwhile, Athisi is freaking out asking mom if we are going to die. Everytime a tornado came on the TV screen she would scream. So 20 minutes pass and we decide it is safe to head back to bed. So currently I have a precious sleeping Haitian tightly attached to the right side of my body. Which is my cue its time to bring this blog to a close.
Peace. LOVE. joy.
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