Monday, May 31, 2010

Babysitter, Housesitter, Hostess, and Sales Woman

I haven't taken any pictures recently so I just put this on from my computer. I like it alot!

Well I've missed a couple days due to housesitting which has kind a discouraged me because I was on such a roll with this blogging. Its ok though. It has been a whirlwind of a couple days. I've babysat housesat worked at Chick Fil A and Yankee Candle. As much as I would like to say how worn out I am, I am so grateful that the Lord has blessed me with these jobs. The Lord is the ultimate provider and I cant thank HIm enough for these jobs that are stretching me and growing me. It has been hard being around certain people who are horribly negative and look only in me for the things that are wrong. But I am praying everyday that the Lord will give me windows of opportunity to speak into their lives. It seems nearly impossible sometimes, but I pray that a smiling face and a good attitude will speak tons into their lives.

Falling asleep typing....

Be blesssed.

I see that the Lord is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. Acts 2:25

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My pleasure...

So! My first day on the job went so so so so well! Started off watching some more training videos, then I was sent to the dining room to be trained on hostessing! A little perk was that I was able to be trained by a friend from church who also works at Chick Fil A. Spent about 3 hours out in the dining room aka mall food court serving and assisting guests. I absolutely loved it. Some of the people were just shocked that we choose to go the 2nd mile and give them above and beyond service. However, my shift ended with bagging orders...which was not my forte... Being that I was just learning I didnt bag the orders quick enough for the 2 min standard and got yelled at by some grouchy lady in the back.
Since our human brains tend to always focus on the negative, I've been slightly discouraged that my awesome experience in the dining room went from being great to my shifting ending on a mot so fun note, but I'm making myself reflect on the good experiences I had a work today. Even though Chick Fil A is biblical based company, its employees are not always Biblically based lol. After much thinking I find myself asking the Lord how I can influence those around me. The woman who work there particularly come to mind. They are all so bitter and grouchy and I just wish there was something I could to make their lives better. I mean I know Chick Fil A is probably not their ideal job, but maybe its all that works out right now. Even tho I would love to just give them big hugs and tell them that Jesus loves them and if they will just confess their sins and accept him in their lives that life can be so much more filled with the joy and less bitterness. However Im not sure this would be the best approach. So I have to be careful that I have a positive attitude and maybe that will speak to them, and look for those windows the Holy Spirit will give to me verbally speak into their lives.
That is all for now my friends.

Be blessed and just rest in the peace of the Lord.

He is my everything.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nerves Nerves Nerves

Well today I had absolutely nothing on my schedule... neither job scheduled me and I had no other obligations besides church of course, so I headed to one of our local parks... which happens to be located a very large lake... I want to say its Lake Erie but I am not sure.
I plopped myself in a lawn chair and indulged in a book. It was wonderful just to sit and smell the fishy water (for some reason I like that smell) and wiggle my toes in the sand/dirt of the beach. Thank goodness I had my tunes with me because it was rather busy for a wednesday afternoon, and before putting in my headphones I heard the "f" word about 5 times from passersby. Ya I know sad huh?
I have found myself tonight being extremely nervous to start my job at Chick fil A tomorrow. I know its just the new job nerves learning new things and all that. However, to get my mind off of it I've been that the Holy Spirit will use this experience to teach me to be a wise steward of the money I am going to be making. Also, I am being given the opportunity to be a hostess and I'm praying and hoping that I will allow the Holy Spirit to help me to discern needs in the lives of those I will have contact with. And give me opportunities to speak into their lives. Thinking about this makes me so nervous! It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that I will accomplish any of this. Whew! I can do this.

Whelp, that is all for tonight!

Be blessed out there!

Sorry that the pictures are in weird order.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So Toledo has some pretty cool sunsets! I snagged this pic as I was leaving the mall with a friend tonight. Our mall has this new store called Teavanna. Im not sure if I spelled that correct. Its a store completely centered around tea. Its pretty legit! They had this type of tea that starts out as a bud. ITs about the size of a bouncy ball. When you place it in the hot water it BLOOMS! It was beautiful! Even better, it was peach flavored! Mmmm.. I am starting to become more and more of tea drinker. I went through a spirt where I drank sleepy time tea before bed every night, and I am not starting to life some others. Chai is always a good. Especially when it is a chai coconut latte! O my word of honor those are the best! Its kind of nice to try a different thing besides always being addicted to coffee since I was a sophomore in high school.
I had an interesting moment tonight. It was about 10 pm and my parents were both at church and I was completely alone in the house. I did have the company of Max and Lolo our 2 dogs. But I got like really scared for a few minutes. I didnt like it at all. I thought/prayed to the Lord, "Don't you ever make me live alone." Then after a few minutes of minor panick and turning on all the lights and making sure all the doors were locked, I had a sense of peace, and the Lord kinda patted me on the back and reassured me that I wasnt alone, and that I never will be. The Lord is just so wonderful like that. Acts 17:25, "He gives life and breath to everything, and satisfies every need." He knows my needs.

Today was also a big day for my working world. I had orientation at Chick fil A. Man o man they loaded me with a lot of information. I keep telling myself just to be extra friendly to people and that should basically cover the 8947597 things they told me. "My pleasure" "May I refresh your beverage" "How may I serve you"

That is all for tonight friends. I pray that you are blessed my reading my nonsense and that you will allow the Lord supply all of your needs. He will take care of you.

Peace. Love. Joy.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Seat Belt

Sorry that the photo is sideways. But, this my friends is the best tv show that has ever happened. No show makes me laugh more. Believe or not you can actually laugh at something that isnt crude or isnt cutting someone else down. These TV show accomplishes it true humor! I love it!
I making my post short. After a hard day at work, it wasnt long, I just worked really hard and I am sleepy today. TOmorrow I have orientation for my new job at Chick Fil A. So I need to put my seat belt and get ready for the ride. Its about to get busy.

I'm trusting the Lord that He is going to help me make it through these next couple weeks and overcome the tiny mountains in my life.

I encourage me 5 followers to have a sit down and watch some of the Cosby Show, it wont disappoint you.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pentecost Sunday

I know I know I know... I need to start posting more interesting photos. THis one however, you cant really see what I was aiming for. In my wonderful neighborhood, there resides a TON of cottonwood trees. At certain time of the spring these trees shed all of their cottonwood. So about 75% of the day if you look outside it looks like it is snowing... no joke. You can hardly see it in this photo, but I didnt want to post the picture of all the cottonwood sitting on the top of our pool because our pool is currently the color of a polluted pond. That is all.

Today is Pentecost Sunday!!! I am so thankful for the body of believers I get to meet with every week! If it wasnt for the believers back in Acts who knows where we would be.
This celebration has also brought to my attention the gift of the Holy Spirit in my life. This is something that I have always been aware of, but quite frankly have not always utilized until recently. When Jesus left this earth some 2,000 years ago he gave us a promise that he was going to send someone to help us. So why not seek his help and be in tune with him. I have been reading through Acts and I am not even half way through and I've read the statement, "But Stephen (or any other apostle) full of the Spirit said..." HAving the Spirit to help us is so vital to complete what the Lord has for us to do. In fact, its impossible without him.
Tonight, at church, I watched a handful of children come forward to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. This was truly amazing to me. It rejuvenated me to see this. I noticed one little boy who was seeking hard. He is about 8 years old. He was so focused on the Lord, just praising Him. I was talking with my parents about it later. They said that earlier this year he was called to be a missionary. Now isnt that great! Wait, it gets better. He told his parents that he had done some research and he feels called to the Sudan. WHAT!! THey said he prays daily for the country of Sudan.
My friends, now that is what I'm talking about. Children will dream dreams! Hallelujah!

Today I learned to have more of a mind like a child and to actively utilize the Holy Spirit in my life. It is through him that I will accomplish anything. Know that having the Holy Spirit reside in you does not always mean that you will be rattling nonsense off in tongues that is simply a component there is so much more. HE gives us discernment, prophetic abilities, and encouraging words for others.

Peace. Love. Joy.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


This my friends is where I lay me head. This is my place of rest. The Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to sleep in several beds. From a dorm room bed, to a spare bed at my grandparents, to another spare bed in my sisters room. Then finally, to my bed. I would like to call myself a nomad. Over the last 3 years of my life I have journeyed from bed to bed to bed in order to find rest at night.
For those who dont know, my family "adopted" a Korean foreign exchange student for the school year. So, while I'm off at college she occupies my room, since our home is a 3 bedroom home. When I come home for breaks I bunk with the Haitian Hurricane aka Athisi (adopted seester of 12 yrs) Soooooo long story short... we sent Alicia (Korean) home on a plane today, which, means this nomad is home.... but only for a short time.
I struggled a little today trying to find the positive in having to pack then unpack then pack then unpack. I learned that this is just simply the season of life I am currently in, and why not grab the season with both hands and enjoy every second of it. So I put on some cool music and unpacked and organized all my stuff in a different way this time.

This week at church is Holy Spirit week, Im ready to be rocked, and excited to learn. I want to be equipped to handle whatever the Lord has for me this upcoming school year.
I'm ready.

I encourage all to read Romans 12 in the Message version. It's convicting and motivating.

Peace. Love. Joy.

Friday, May 21, 2010


These are the McGinnis Girls! I sure am proud to be one! From left to right, Athisi (adopted from Haiti 12 years ago), ME (full blooded McGinnis), Alicia (a McGinnis 9 months out of the year aka our foreign exchange student who lives with us during the school year), AND the Mother!! The best Mother in the world!!!
Tonight, the fam headed out to dinner since Alicia flies back to Korea tomorrow for the summer. We had a great time enjoying some American BBQ. As I was enjoying my American BBQ I couldn't help but notice the sound of a little obnixious voice seated behind me. I turned around to get a glimpse of what sounded like a little 7 year old boy, to my shear amazement I found about a 24 year old drunk woman. I was amazed!!! Did her voice change the more she became drunk??? Goodness! I just couldn't believe it!
This got my wheels turning. Is it really worth it? Is a casual drink with friends (which, I believe, is what this situation behind me was) really worth it? Not only for your pride, but for your health and your safety? I learned at school in one of my Early childhood classes that is HORRIFIC to drink alcohol with a precious baby in your womb. And mothers wonder why their children cant focus at school or have serious behavior problems...Hello! Fetal Alcohol Syndrome!
Anywho... I was just thinking, I really dont get whats so great about alcohol. From what I have smelled beer is NASTY and from the little I've tasted at weddings, wine is sick! I understand it may be an acquired taste. I just dont see how risking your life and others lives, and possibly ruining your reputation due to drunkenness is worth it. Hey! Coffee is great why dont we all just casually drink coffee and tea and keep everyone safe.
Hopefully this doesn't offend the possible 0 people that read my blog, but as Christians we are called to such a higher standard. Not one of snobbiness but a higher one. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
I mean we are not to conform to this world. So, why are their Christians that compromise theirs and others safety? I dont get it.
I dont mean to shun anyone who drinks its your choice I suppose.

Wow, that was some tangent I got off on.
Thanks for reading.
Be blessed, friends.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


So my picture today is the mess of shoes outside my closet.
I think you can learn a lot about person based on their shoes.

I am going to be short tonight since I have 3% battery life on my computer and I am tired!

Hey! At least I blogged!

Peace. Love. Joy.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


You have to look closely at this pic. I got this on my way to an interview today. THese are 3 i think it is Hasidic Jews? Maybe? I dont know they are on their way to the temple I suppose....there is one down the road where they were going. In order to get this photo I had to turn around and drive in a circle a few times lol but it was totally worth it.
Man O man the Lord just proved his faithfulness to me today. He totally takes care of me. I just cant stop praising Him.
It started out at a job interview at Chick-fil-A, yes Im working at a food place. However, hsve the position of Service Leader. So basically I get to talk to people (something I would say I am decent at, and something I LOVE to do) and I get to "refresh" their drinks. Simple. I am just so thankful that the Lord is placing me right where he wants me. Esp. in a place where I feel I will do well.
Then, I had a meeting with our youth pastor. It went great!! He totally saw my heart for the girls and is all for the girls night I want to have this summer. Even better, he suggested I do one each month (June and July) Wow! Cool! Im not sure if that will be able to happen but I will def pray about it. The next step is getting a team together and to start talking numbers of how many girls we think we will have. I am just so thankful! The Lord takes my fears and throws them out. I was confident.
Praise Him from whom all blessings flow.
Count you blessings.
Then wrap them up in a cute little present and give them right back to the Lord. Every little thing we do goes to Him.

The End.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My picture today is of an apartment complex. I have been in love with complex since I was in high school. As I drove to school everyday I would pass it. I honestly dont know what it is about this place I just love it! I believe its 4 levels including a basement level. Today, I was driving to my old high school to pick up Alicia and I thought I would snap a pic. There is no other significance to this picture besides the fact that I would love to live here someday..maybe? They are actually renting right now!!
I started work today, finally its about time I get off my rear. although it was only a three hour shift. I have a job interview tomorrow for another job which I know I am going to get. So its about time to get this summer rollin, and bring in the mooolah!
Tomorrow I am meeting with the intern youth pastor to our youth group at my home church. Last wednesday the Lord placed a burden on my heart for the teen girls of my church. Anyway I think I shared about this in a previous blog. I am going to present to him my idea for a "girls night/rally" that I would like to do this summer. IT will just be a get together where the girls can learn to crochet, take pictures, make journals etc. I also would like to have some of the ladies of the church speak, I would also like to bring a girl to do worship. I am not sure how that is going to work tho. Anyway we will see how tomorrow works. I dont know this man very well. I know of him but have never had a conversation with him, so I am a bit nervous. I also am not one with words, which is why I am going to bring my plans and ideas written down so that I can refer to them =)
I am just so thankful for the Holy Spirit in my life lately. I am so convinced that without Him I would be worthless. I would be a dumb blonde who jumbles her words and sits around doing nothing about the little rinky dinky ideas she gets. Which are ideas from the Lord of course. I thank him so much for instilling in his child these things. And the best part about these things is that, we as his children get to turn around and praise HIM with them.
Reading in Acts tonight I realized how cool/challenging/tiring/scary/awesome it must have been to be a disciple/apostle. These dudes were tough! THey had people jumping down there throats all the time. One teeny tiny verse jumped out at me tonight, Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them ... Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit when answering the people who were "jumping down his throat" what power! Like how cool! WHen I read over and over it seems so simple but then again so complex. Like no duh he was filled with the Holy Spirit the dude was on fire! But does this mean he was rattling something off in tongues? No, I think maybe the spirit was giving him the right words to say. Man, thats something I want everyday. To have the spirit just chillin in me and helping me to articulate my words.

He is. The Holy Spirit empowers me.

Ya'll will have to excuse me for ramblings tonight. I do consider this my journaling which in turn is my thoughts, so I guess this was just a little window of what goes on inside my head.

I pray you were blessed.

Monday, May 17, 2010

A lot of time

My picture today is of a project I have been working on the past few days. I know you are probably thinking..that took you 3 days... ya I worked on it slowly and sometimes it takes me a while to be inspired. I decided to make cards I can use through out the school year to bless those around me. There is nothing I love more than to unexpectedly encourage someone. I mean, I love surprises! And I absolutely LOVE to surprise people. So hopefully I will be able to do this next year by just simply slipping one under someones door when they least expect it of need a little encouraging.
So, I have had a lot of time on my hands this past week that I have been home. Like a lot of time, for me at least. I like to live a fast-paced life, but lately its been slow. Therefore, I have been thinking alot and I'll be honest, I've been watching alot of TV, primarily HGTV, the best channel there is! By doing this I have found myself constructing a lot of thoughts and ideas of what I would like in my future house, career, HUSBAND. In fact, its been consuming my thoughts. Which I believe is ok to think about and form opinions and preferences. However, tonight by reading a little through the Word I was reminded that it is not my job to write my story, and to worry about it. Its my Fathers job. Whew! How relieving is that! Even though its hard to place all my preferences and ideas in the hands of the Lord and to let go of them, its something I must do. I am actively trying to keep my gaze fixed on Him. Hes going to make me happy. What a cool promise.

The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know. Acts 1:7

HEy! Be blessed out there!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I am a little late getting started today. Technically its tomorrow but we are going to say its still sunday right now =)
My picture for today is my first very feeble attempt at "Latte Art" this was kind of a whim tonight. I was making myself a drink with my espresso maker and as I was pouring the steamed milk in I saw the opportunity to make a design so I ran with it! Not going to lie, I am pretty impressed with my first attempt. Its supposed to be a star.
This morning at church I had the privilege of being trained to volunteer in our church cafe...aka.. make coffee with a high tech cool coffee machine. THis was so much fun, I caught on fast! I am so excited next week to do it again!
THis morning Pastor challenged us to be expecting of what the Lord may have for our lives. My church is taking a 10 day period to seek the Lord purposely. THis seemed so vital for me in this time of my life. I am about to embark on a new journey of being an RA. I am so excited for the experience and foe the opportunity. TOday I was reminded to be expectant of what the Lord is going to do in my life through it and in the lives of those around me. Through this experience I want the Lord to shape me and mold me, and in order for him to do that there are some things in my life He may need to blast through. These learning experiences may difficult to sort through but through them I look forwarding to gaining life skills that I am going to utilize forever. The best part about all of this is that the Holy Spirit walks through every single bit of it with me and empowers me to do what I need to do and more. He can do the same for you as well. Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit come upon you."
This journey of life doesn't have to be tiring or burdening, we are given such a gift through our heavenly Father. Cool man. This is a question I strive to ask myself daily, it keeps me in check, Am I influencing those around me to consider a life-changing commitment to Jesus Christ?

THanks for taking the time to read through my ramblings, that don't ever really go together, and are probably full of typos and grammatical errors.
I pray someone will be blessed out there.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

TOday my photo is of my awesome garage sale find! My mom and I woke up today with the mission of hitting as many garage sales as we could. And my personal goal was to find an espresso maker, a camera (ya right) and stuff for my room next school year. AND I FOUND THE ESPRESSO MAKER!! I was so excited. After cleaning all the lime out of it it worked just fine. However, I think sometimes it forgets its an espresso maker and just stops but Im working with it. For a garage sale find it will do. My next step is to accomplish "Latte Art" this is hard.. for me at least. I made a few feeble attempts. They were highly unsuccessful. I will get there hopefully. I just love the idea of being able to make coffee for my friends and pour a little heart on top =)
Anyway, that is all for today. I am absolutely loving summer and its freedom, I'm not tied down to anything...yet, work starts on tuesday.

But make sure that you don't get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. The night is about over, dawn is about to break. Be up and awake to what God is doing! Romans 13:11 The Message

This verse reminded me not to become to lazy this summer =)

Friday, May 14, 2010

A Day At Home

Spent almost the entire day at home. Ill be honest, I sat around and slept and watched HGTV all day!
Ended the day with the movie "The Blindside" with the fam. The movie was awesome! It was so encouraging to see that it was a true story!

**Romans 12 in the Message version just rocked my world.

Thats all for today

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lessons Learned

Today my photo is a picture of my little adopted sisters school.
Athisi came to live with my family when she was 3 years old. She was a teeny tiny little malnutritioned orphan from Haiti. Long story short, this was a def. a work of the Lord that she came to live with us. She has spiced up our lives and I wouldn't trade one second of Athisi in our home for a lifetime without her. Today was kind of a wake up call for me. Sending her off on prom with some deaf boy. I forgot to mention that about 6 months after Athisi came to live with us we found she was profoundly deaf. Anywho, Mom and I make the 2 and half hour trip to Columbus today to get Athisi ready for prom. For crying out loud, I was nervous about letting her go. But I gave her date the stink eye several times and told him to be good and that I love Athisi very much so he better not touch her. I also reminded Athisi that she loves JEsus and he the Lord of her life. She rolled her eyes at me, but I know she feels it in her heart.
I'm really learning what it feels like to be a parent lol. I now regret some of the heartache I might have put my parents through. Those nights I forgot to call and let them know I had arrived at my destination safely. Ya know the little things that mean so much to a praying parent.
I guess that wraps it up. I learned today that even though its hard at times, to grip tightly to my trust in the Lord. And when my anxious heart and worried thoughts are trying to pull me away to take and deep breath and keep holding on.
Try it, it works.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This is my photo for the day.
I attended the wednesday youth service for my home church for the first time this summer. When I arrived I was about 30 min early for church, so I thought I would go up to the upper room for pre-service prayer.
The last time I had seen this room it was dirty, recently painted, and not put together at all. I walked up today and was amazed to find a full functioning prayer room. THere are separate stations, prayer for unity in the youth group, prayer for yourself, for the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life.
I was shocked when I saw this, however I was more thankful for the youth of my church. THey are so in love with the Lord and seek him with such a passion and a desire to know him more.
Lately I have been discouraged at where the youth group at my church is going. I long so bad for them to have the experience I had as a teenager. After, today I am confident that they are indeed receiving what they need. The Lord has helped me to realize that when I was there age at was a different place than they are. I admit, I was needy, I needed all the cool little events and hang out times with my friends. But this generation of youth is just plain hungry for the LOrd. THat is all they want and all they need. Wow... I was so challenged.
During worship the LOrd placed a strain in my heart for the girls in my home church. THe youth girls ages 12-18. I just wast for these girls to know they are loved and supported by the women in their church. SO, my kinda little project for the summer is to put together a girls night. We will have mail-painting, journal-making, picture-taking, a worship leader and speakers for one evening where these girls can come and simply just be girls and learn that their Lord and their church loves them. I want to call it, "He Loves Us" sound familiar?
SO, I plan to meet with our intern youth pastor this next wednesday. Pray that I am able to adequately share my heart with him ( THose of you who know me know I dont really have a way with words, my brain moves faster than my mouth) Ill keep you updated on how things are going!
Be Blessed!
But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently. Romans 8:25

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Startin this up again

Well, looks like I tried this 2 summers ago... And I got one whole post in. lol
My former roommate and I decided to do our own rendition of the project 365, which is posting a photo every day of the year. We think its an awesome way to recall events over the past year.

So, I just arrived home from my third year of college in Missouri. This year was probably the hardest. The Lord walked me through alot and taught me alot. But I have come out of all of it more in love with Him and praising Him more and more each day. Three of my closest friends (including my roommate of 2 years) have graduated and are moving on with their lives. We are all closing this chapter of our lives and moving on to the next. Although, this is hard, I am absolutely loving the idea of the next chapter. The Lord was faithful enough to provide with the position of R.A. on my floor back at school. He has also given me a drive for life and for my future. I know He has a certain and unique plan for my life and I am so excited to grab hold of it with both hands and run with it! I feel as if I'm ready for anything!!!
This summer is going to be one of rest and preparation for the next chapter of my life. I am going to seek the LORd with fervent persistence. He has done so much for me this past semester, that I have learned that he truly deserves my everything, and I want to know Him more and more.
Here is my first picture, its going to be random, but I am a random person so... here it is..well its up there... THis is the poweraide I had in the car on the way home. Its sour melon flavor... it was so good!
Well thats all for today!
I hope this blog blesses someone out there =)