This is my photo for the day.
I attended the wednesday youth service for my home church for the first time this summer. When I arrived I was about 30 min early for church, so I thought I would go up to the upper room for pre-service prayer.
The last time I had seen this room it was dirty, recently painted, and not put together at all. I walked up today and was amazed to find a full functioning prayer room. THere are separate stations, prayer for unity in the youth group, prayer for yourself, for the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life.
I was shocked when I saw this, however I was more thankful for the youth of my church. THey are so in love with the Lord and seek him with such a passion and a desire to know him more.
Lately I have been discouraged at where the youth group at my church is going. I long so bad for them to have the experience I had as a teenager. After, today I am confident that they are indeed receiving what they need. The Lord has helped me to realize that when I was there age at was a different place than they are. I admit, I was needy, I needed all the cool little events and hang out times with my friends. But this generation of youth is just plain hungry for the LOrd. THat is all they want and all they need. Wow... I was so challenged.
During worship the LOrd placed a strain in my heart for the girls in my home church. THe youth girls ages 12-18. I just wast for these girls to know they are loved and supported by the women in their church. SO, my kinda little project for the summer is to put together a girls night. We will have mail-painting, journal-making, picture-taking, a worship leader and speakers for one evening where these girls can come and simply just be girls and learn that their Lord and their church loves them. I want to call it, "He Loves Us" sound familiar?
SO, I plan to meet with our intern youth pastor this next wednesday. Pray that I am able to adequately share my heart with him ( THose of you who know me know I dont really have a way with words, my brain moves faster than my mouth) Ill keep you updated on how things are going!
Be Blessed!
But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently. Romans 8:25
That is so awesome, Rach! :) I love that the Lord is giving you all of these visions and desires!
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