I had an interesting moment tonight. It was about 10 pm and my parents were both at church and I was completely alone in the house. I did have the company of Max and Lolo our 2 dogs. But I got like really scared for a few minutes. I didnt like it at all. I thought/prayed to the Lord, "Don't you ever make me live alone." Then after a few minutes of minor panick and turning on all the lights and making sure all the doors were locked, I had a sense of peace, and the Lord kinda patted me on the back and reassured me that I wasnt alone, and that I never will be. The Lord is just so wonderful like that. Acts 17:25, "He gives life and breath to everything, and satisfies every need." He knows my needs.
Today was also a big day for my working world. I had orientation at Chick fil A. Man o man they loaded me with a lot of information. I keep telling myself just to be extra friendly to people and that should basically cover the 8947597 things they told me. "My pleasure" "May I refresh your beverage" "How may I serve you"
That is all for tonight friends. I pray that you are blessed my reading my nonsense and that you will allow the Lord supply all of your needs. He will take care of you.
Peace. Love. Joy.
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