Well I've missed a couple days due to housesitting which has kind a discouraged me because I was on such a roll with this blogging. Its ok though. It has been a whirlwind of a couple days. I've babysat housesat worked at Chick Fil A and Yankee Candle. As much as I would like to say how worn out I am, I am so grateful that the Lord has blessed me with these jobs. The Lord is the ultimate provider and I cant thank HIm enough for these jobs that are stretching me and growing me. It has been hard being around certain people who are horribly negative and look only in me for the things that are wrong. But I am praying everyday that the Lord will give me windows of opportunity to speak into their lives. It seems nearly impossible sometimes, but I pray that a smiling face and a good attitude will speak tons into their lives.
Falling asleep typing....
Be blesssed.
I see that the Lord is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. Acts 2:25
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