Athisi came to live with my family when she was 3 years old. She was a teeny tiny little malnutritioned orphan from Haiti. Long story short, this was a def. a work of the Lord that she came to live with us. She has spiced up our lives and I wouldn't trade one second of Athisi in our home for a lifetime without her. Today was kind of a wake up call for me. Sending her off on prom with some deaf boy. I forgot to mention that about 6 months after Athisi came to live with us we found she was profoundly deaf. Anywho, Mom and I make the 2 and half hour trip to Columbus today to get Athisi ready for prom. For crying out loud, I was nervous about letting her go. But I gave her date the stink eye several times and told him to be good and that I love Athisi very much so he better not touch her. I also reminded Athisi that she loves JEsus and he the Lord of her life. She rolled her eyes at me, but I know she feels it in her heart.
I'm really learning what it feels like to be a parent lol. I now regret some of the heartache I might have put my parents through. Those nights I forgot to call and let them know I had arrived at my destination safely. Ya know the little things that mean so much to a praying parent.
I guess that wraps it up. I learned today that even though its hard at times, to grip tightly to my trust in the Lord. And when my anxious heart and worried thoughts are trying to pull me away to take and deep breath and keep holding on.
Try it, it works.
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