Man O man the Lord just proved his faithfulness to me today. He totally takes care of me. I just cant stop praising Him.
It started out at a job interview at Chick-fil-A, yes Im working at a food place. However, hsve the position of Service Leader. So basically I get to talk to people (something I would say I am decent at, and something I LOVE to do) and I get to "refresh" their drinks. Simple. I am just so thankful that the Lord is placing me right where he wants me. Esp. in a place where I feel I will do well.
Then, I had a meeting with our youth pastor. It went great!! He totally saw my heart for the girls and is all for the girls night I want to have this summer. Even better, he suggested I do one each month (June and July) Wow! Cool! Im not sure if that will be able to happen but I will def pray about it. The next step is getting a team together and to start talking numbers of how many girls we think we will have. I am just so thankful! The Lord takes my fears and throws them out. I was confident.
Praise Him from whom all blessings flow.
Count you blessings.
Then wrap them up in a cute little present and give them right back to the Lord. Every little thing we do goes to Him.
The End.
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