Well, looks like I tried this 2 summers ago... And I got one whole post in. lol
My former roommate and I decided to do our own rendition of the project 365, which is posting a photo every day of the year. We think its an awesome way to recall events over the past year.
So, I just arrived home from my third year of college in Missouri. This year was probably the hardest. The Lord walked me through alot and taught me alot. But I have come out of all of it more in love with Him and praising Him more and more each day. Three of my closest friends (including my roommate of 2 years) have graduated and are moving on with their lives. We are all closing this chapter of our lives and moving on to the next. Although, this is hard, I am absolutely loving the idea of the next chapter. The Lord was faithful enough to provide with the position of R.A. on my floor back at school. He has also given me a drive for life and for my future. I know He has a certain and unique plan for my life and I am so excited to grab hold of it with both hands and run with it! I feel as if I'm ready for anything!!!
This summer is going to be one of rest and preparation for the next chapter of my life. I am going to seek the LORd with fervent persistence. He has done so much for me this past semester, that I have learned that he truly deserves my everything, and I want to know Him more and more.
Here is my first picture, its going to be random, but I am a random person so... here it is..well its up there... THis is the poweraide I had in the car on the way home. Its sour melon flavor... it was so good!
Well thats all for today!
I hope this blog blesses someone out there =)
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