I started work today, finally its about time I get off my rear. although it was only a three hour shift. I have a job interview tomorrow for another job which I know I am going to get. So its about time to get this summer rollin, and bring in the mooolah!
Tomorrow I am meeting with the intern youth pastor to our youth group at my home church. Last wednesday the Lord placed a burden on my heart for the teen girls of my church. Anyway I think I shared about this in a previous blog. I am going to present to him my idea for a "girls night/rally" that I would like to do this summer. IT will just be a get together where the girls can learn to crochet, take pictures, make journals etc. I also would like to have some of the ladies of the church speak, I would also like to bring a girl to do worship. I am not sure how that is going to work tho. Anyway we will see how tomorrow works. I dont know this man very well. I know of him but have never had a conversation with him, so I am a bit nervous. I also am not one with words, which is why I am going to bring my plans and ideas written down so that I can refer to them =)
I am just so thankful for the Holy Spirit in my life lately. I am so convinced that without Him I would be worthless. I would be a dumb blonde who jumbles her words and sits around doing nothing about the little rinky dinky ideas she gets. Which are ideas from the Lord of course. I thank him so much for instilling in his child these things. And the best part about these things is that, we as his children get to turn around and praise HIM with them.
Reading in Acts tonight I realized how cool/challenging/tiring/scary/awesome it must have been to be a disciple/apostle. These dudes were tough! THey had people jumping down there throats all the time. One teeny tiny verse jumped out at me tonight, Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them ... Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit when answering the people who were "jumping down his throat" what power! Like how cool! WHen I read over and over it seems so simple but then again so complex. Like no duh he was filled with the Holy Spirit the dude was on fire! But does this mean he was rattling something off in tongues? No, I think maybe the spirit was giving him the right words to say. Man, thats something I want everyday. To have the spirit just chillin in me and helping me to articulate my words.
He is. The Holy Spirit empowers me.
Ya'll will have to excuse me for ramblings tonight. I do consider this my journaling which in turn is my thoughts, so I guess this was just a little window of what goes on inside my head.
I pray you were blessed.
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