Today is Pentecost Sunday!!! I am so thankful for the body of believers I get to meet with every week! If it wasnt for the believers back in Acts who knows where we would be.
This celebration has also brought to my attention the gift of the Holy Spirit in my life. This is something that I have always been aware of, but quite frankly have not always utilized until recently. When Jesus left this earth some 2,000 years ago he gave us a promise that he was going to send someone to help us. So why not seek his help and be in tune with him. I have been reading through Acts and I am not even half way through and I've read the statement, "But Stephen (or any other apostle) full of the Spirit said..." HAving the Spirit to help us is so vital to complete what the Lord has for us to do. In fact, its impossible without him.
Tonight, at church, I watched a handful of children come forward to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. This was truly amazing to me. It rejuvenated me to see this. I noticed one little boy who was seeking hard. He is about 8 years old. He was so focused on the Lord, just praising Him. I was talking with my parents about it later. They said that earlier this year he was called to be a missionary. Now isnt that great! Wait, it gets better. He told his parents that he had done some research and he feels called to the Sudan. WHAT!! THey said he prays daily for the country of Sudan.
My friends, now that is what I'm talking about. Children will dream dreams! Hallelujah!
Today I learned to have more of a mind like a child and to actively utilize the Holy Spirit in my life. It is through him that I will accomplish anything. Know that having the Holy Spirit reside in you does not always mean that you will be rattling nonsense off in tongues that is simply a component there is so much more. HE gives us discernment, prophetic abilities, and encouraging words for others.
Peace. Love. Joy.
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