My picture for today is my first very feeble attempt at "Latte Art" this was kind of a whim tonight. I was making myself a drink with my espresso maker and as I was pouring the steamed milk in I saw the opportunity to make a design so I ran with it! Not going to lie, I am pretty impressed with my first attempt. Its supposed to be a star.
This morning at church I had the privilege of being trained to volunteer in our church cafe...aka.. make coffee with a high tech cool coffee machine. THis was so much fun, I caught on fast! I am so excited next week to do it again!
THis morning Pastor challenged us to be expecting of what the Lord may have for our lives. My church is taking a 10 day period to seek the Lord purposely. THis seemed so vital for me in this time of my life. I am about to embark on a new journey of being an RA. I am so excited for the experience and foe the opportunity. TOday I was reminded to be expectant of what the Lord is going to do in my life through it and in the lives of those around me. Through this experience I want the Lord to shape me and mold me, and in order for him to do that there are some things in my life He may need to blast through. These learning experiences may difficult to sort through but through them I look forwarding to gaining life skills that I am going to utilize forever. The best part about all of this is that the Holy Spirit walks through every single bit of it with me and empowers me to do what I need to do and more. He can do the same for you as well. Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit come upon you."
This journey of life doesn't have to be tiring or burdening, we are given such a gift through our heavenly Father. Cool man. This is a question I strive to ask myself daily, it keeps me in check, Am I influencing those around me to consider a life-changing commitment to Jesus Christ?
THanks for taking the time to read through my ramblings, that don't ever really go together, and are probably full of typos and grammatical errors.
I pray someone will be blessed out there.
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