Today I had a wonderful conversation with a WW2 veteran at work. He told me his story about where he was stationed and that he lost 2 of his best friends in the war. He mentioned that he gets emotional when he talks about it so he needed to be careful. It was the biggest privilege to stand there and just listen to him talk, especially just coming off the Memorial Day holiday. Being able to listen to him gave me great perspective for the purpose of my job. Even though I cant seem to do anything right based on what the female employees think there. As long as I am making some kind of difference to the customers. The older gentlemen thanked me for listening and told me that Chick Fil A was doing a good thing by having me out in the dining room, and he slid me a 50 cent tip =)
Its amazing what a smile and a listening ear can do. Some of these ladies that work will just a persons face off not to mention they talk really loud too. As, I walked away from the this mans table I teared up a little. I cant imagine living through what he did. He said he was stationed in Little Rock AR for a while and that that is where he met his "precious wife" I was so blessed being able to listen to his story today.
As I turned the corner, I noticed a young couple (probably 19 20 years old) sitting down with their meal. Before they dug into the bag to devour their chicken sandwiches, they took a min. to stop grab hands and bless the food the Lord provided for them. Once again I was tearing up. It is so encouraging to see people pray over their meals, especially a young couple.
I CANT wait to share moments like that with a certain someone out there. I cant wait to glorify the Lord through our relationship. The desire burns inside of me somedays. THe day will come and when it does I will thank the Lord for his perfect timing.
That is all for tonight. Thanks for reading. Look for opportunities to put your life in perspective and look for the real reason the Lord has you where he has you.
Peace. LOVE. joy.
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