Tonight, the fam headed out to dinner since Alicia flies back to Korea tomorrow for the summer. We had a great time enjoying some American BBQ. As I was enjoying my American BBQ I couldn't help but notice the sound of a little obnixious voice seated behind me. I turned around to get a glimpse of what sounded like a little 7 year old boy, to my shear amazement I found about a 24 year old drunk woman. I was amazed!!! Did her voice change the more she became drunk??? Goodness! I just couldn't believe it!
This got my wheels turning. Is it really worth it? Is a casual drink with friends (which, I believe, is what this situation behind me was) really worth it? Not only for your pride, but for your health and your safety? I learned at school in one of my Early childhood classes that is HORRIFIC to drink alcohol with a precious baby in your womb. And mothers wonder why their children cant focus at school or have serious behavior problems...Hello! Fetal Alcohol Syndrome!
Anywho... I was just thinking, I really dont get whats so great about alcohol. From what I have smelled beer is NASTY and from the little I've tasted at weddings, wine is sick! I understand it may be an acquired taste. I just dont see how risking your life and others lives, and possibly ruining your reputation due to drunkenness is worth it. Hey! Coffee is great why dont we all just casually drink coffee and tea and keep everyone safe.
Hopefully this doesn't offend the possible 0 people that read my blog, but as Christians we are called to such a higher standard. Not one of snobbiness but a higher one. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
I mean we are not to conform to this world. So, why are their Christians that compromise theirs and others safety? I dont get it.
I dont mean to shun anyone who drinks its your choice I suppose.
Wow, that was some tangent I got off on.
Thanks for reading.
Be blessed, friends.
I feel the same way, girl! If I don't like it, why in the world would I want to acquire a taste for it???? It doesn't make sense. My aunt told me today that she could make me a drink that doesn't taste like alcohol... ???? Then why drink it? Lol. Anyways, Love you and I can't wait to see you!
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